Cloud-Native Technology

Unleash unmatched efficiencies with bespoke cloud-native application development service

Dive into the future with our comprehensive cloud-native development services, crafted to propel your business ahead.

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Boost Your Business Sky-high with Leading Innovation and Unmatched Growth.

Ready to give your business a serious lift? Our cloud-native development is all about tailor-made apps and smooth migrations to boost your efficiency and security, while scaling up big time. Think lower costs, faster processes, and endless innovation. It's all about making things easier and better.

Let's chart the course to a thriving, cloud-empowered environment.

Proven. Tested. True.

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Ready to explore cloud technology services?

Choose us for a transformative cloud-native architecture journey.

Let's build a brighter, more scalable future together.

Allari software application development
Custom Application Development

Tailored cloud-native solutions that align with your unique business needs, ensuring a faster market response and better user engagement.

Allari serverless applications
Serverless development

Cut operational overheads and only pay for what you use with cloud-native development, achieving efficient scalability and reduced infrastructure management.

Allari containerization - cloud native
Containerization Mastery

Experience the power of optimized containerized cloud-native applications that guarantee consistent environments, reduced conflicts, and faster deployments.

Microservices applications
Microservices Transformation

Elevate scalability and make updates seamless by splitting applications into manageable services, reducing downtime, and enhancing user experience.

Automated CI/CD pipelines
Accelerated delivery with CI/CD

Fast-track your software delivery with our cloud-native solutions. Implement automated CI/CD pipelines for rapid, consistent, and error-free deployments.

Paas efficiency
PaaS efficiency

 Simplify application management, reduce costs, and accelerate time-to-market with our managed platform services, integral to cloud-native software architecture.

Allari Infrastructure efficiency
Infrastructure precision with (IaC)

Leverage our cloud-native expertise to achieve consistent and error-free infrastructure deployments, enhancing security and scalability with minimal manual effort.

Allari API solutions
API Solutions

Seamlessly integrate services with secure, efficient, and scalable API solutions that foster third-party integrations and open new business avenues.

Robust database and storage
Robust database and storage

Benefit from flexible, secure, and scalable data solutions that ensure high availability and fast access to your critical business data.

Proactive monitoring
Proactive monitoring

Gain peace of mind with real-time insights into your applications, predicting issues before they impact users and ensuring optimum performance.

Cloud Security
Unmatched cloud security

Sleep easy knowing your assets are protected with the latest security measures, compliance standards, and encryption protocols.

cloud migration
Seamless cloud migration

Transition smoothly and efficiently to a cloud-native environment with our expert guidance, minimizing disruptions and ensuring optimal performance from day one.

Expert consulting
Expert consulting

Drive success with actionable insights and strategies tailored for your business needs, ensuring you're always ahead of the curve in cloud-native application development.

Hands on training
Empowering hands-on training

Galvanize your team with the skills and knowledge to leverage cloud-native technologies, fostering in-house expertise and innovation.

Managed services
Comprehensive managed services

Stay focused on your core business as we handle the complexities of cloud management, ensuring consistent performance, security, and up-time.

Software consulting
Software Consulting

Elevate your large-scale operations with comprehensive ERP software development solutions that drive efficiency.

Let's build a brighter, more scalable future together where your business benefits are always at the forefront.


Common questions about our services and approach.

What makes an application a cloud application?

A cloud application is tailored for cloud computing with distinct features: Accessibility: Anytime, anywhere internet access. Scalability: Flexible capacity and performance. Resource Management: Utilizes shared computing resources. Elasticity: Adapts resource allocation based on demand. Resilience: High availability and disaster recovery. Service-Oriented: Built with independently deployable microservices. Self-Service: User-managed operation. Pay-Per-Use: Cost-effective, usage-based pricing. Multi-Tenancy: Multiple users with secure, private access. API Integration: Seamless service integration. These qualities ensure cloud applications are flexible, reliable, and optimized for cloud environments.

What’s the difference between cloud-native and cloud-ready?

"Cloud-native" versus "cloud-ready" applications differ in design and cloud interaction: Cloud-Native: Specifically built for cloud environments. Uses microservices architecture. Highly scalable and resilient. Developed with continuous integration/delivery. Often employs containerization. Cloud-Ready: Traditional applications adapted for the cloud. Typically monolithic architecture. Less scalable and resilient compared to cloud-native. May not follow rapid development cycles. Containerization possible but less optimal. Cloud-native apps are designed for cloud efficiency, while cloud-ready apps are modified to function in the cloud but may not fully exploit its benefits.

Why do we need virtual machines in cloud environments?

Virtual machines (VMs) in cloud environments offer: • Isolation: Secure environments, with issues in one VM not affecting others. • Resource Optimization: Efficient use of server resources by hosting multiple VMs. • Flexibility: Compatibility with various operating systems and legacy applications. • Scalability: Easy scalability for load balancing. • User Control: Complete control over software environments. • Consistent Testing: Reliable environments for software testing. • Cost Savings: Reduced need for physical hardware. • Disaster Recovery: Quick backup and restoration capabilities. VMs enhance cloud computing with their flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Can we divide a monolithic architecture into microservices?

Transitioning from a monolithic architecture to microservices, known as "strangling" the monolith, involves: • Identifying Service Boundaries within the monolith for segmentation. • Starting with a Small Segment as a pilot project. • Developing the Segment as an Independent Microservice. • Rerouting Traffic from the monolith to the new microservice. • Iteratively Testing and Expanding to other parts of the application. • Managing Data and Transactions across services. • Gradually Decommissioning the monolith. This process requires careful planning and simultaneous operation of both systems, leading to a more scalable and flexible architecture.

What are microservices and distributed systems?

Microservices are small, independent services in a software application, each performing specific functions and communicating via defined protocols. This approach enhances scalability and flexibility but requires complex management. Distributed systems are networks of autonomous computers linked to share resources efficiently. They aim for easy access and scalability, yet face challenges like hardware failures and network latency. Microservices focus on application architecture, while distributed systems concern the overall interconnected infrastructure.

What is cheaper: monolith or microservices?

The cost of monolith versus microservices varies: • Initial Costs: Monoliths are generally cheaper to start, simpler in development and deployment. • Maintenance and Scaling: Monoliths may become costly to maintain and scale. Microservices, initially more expensive due to complex setup, can be more cost-effective long-term for scaling individual components. • Infrastructure and Team Expenses: Microservices require more robust infrastructure and skilled teams, increasing costs. • Monoliths suit smaller projects with lower initial costs, while microservices offer long-term efficiency but higher initial investment. The choice depends on the project's scale and long-term goals.